Malaysian Ivermectin Trial Shows a 70% Reduction in Deaths


The Malaysian sham ivermectin trial has concluded and the great minds at have analysed the result. Matthew Ooi found the analysis and sent it to me.

This is what they found:

Ivermectin group: 3 deaths out of 241 patients (1.2%)
Standard treatment group: 10 deaths out of 249 patients (4%)

Risk reduction for death: 69%, p=0.09

3.3 times more patients in the standard treatment group died compared to the ivermectin group.

The p value shows statistical significance. Statistical significance means the reduction in deaths is really due to the medicine and not just by chance. The p value needs to be 0.05% or less to be significant. 0.09% is very close already but a bit short due to the small number of patients. If this trend is for real, it only needs a 0.04% more difference, or 13% more patients, to reach statistical significance. But because it was a bit short, MOH can say that the result is not statistically significant and thus the medicine is not effective and cannot be approved.

The number of deaths in both groups is not stated in Hisham's press release (why hide???) but Steve's team reverse-engineered it from the statistics numbers. Damn great minds. I really take my hat off to them.

Honestly, I’m amazed that ivermectin given to such “low hope” patients--late stage, aged 50-100 years old with one or more co-morbidities--can still save 70% of their lives. How many more lives could have been saved? Younger people? Those with no co-morbidities? Children?

29,000 people have died to date, or 28,000 people after vaxination started. Have you heard of any vaxine that has an effectiveness rate of 70% at preventing death? (I will post the death graphs soon. It is certainly not 70% effective.) The last thing that the Health Ministry cares about is your health.

The MOH has been one big, colossal failure. They wasted billions of our money with 28,000 deaths to show for it, when in fact at least 70% of those could have been saved with ivermectin. These useless buggers have failed us miserably. It is time to stand up and throw them out!!!

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Keputusan kajian ivermectin auta telah diumumkan, dan telah menganalisa keputusan kajian ini. Matthew Ooi menjumpai analisa ini dan menghantarnya kepada saya.

Inilah hasil analisa mereka:

Kumpulan ivermectin: 3 kematian daripada 241 pesakit (1.2%)
Kumpulan rawatan biasa: 10 kematian daripada 249 pesakit (4%)

Pengurangan risiko kematian: 69%, p=0.09

3.3 kali ganda pesakit di dalam kumpulan rawatan biasa mati berbanding kumpulan yg menerima ivermectin.

Angka p menunjukkan “statistical significance” (perbezaan yang ketara). Perbezaan ketara bermaksud penurunan angka kematian adalah betul2 disebabkan oleh ubat yang dikaji dan bukan secara kebetulan. Angka ini perlu mencapai kurang daripada 0.05% untuk dikira sebagai ketara. 0.09% sudah sangat dekat tapi kurang sikit disebabkan bilangan pesakit terlalu kecil. Kalau trend ini kekal sama, hanya perlu 0.04% saja, atau 13% pesakit lagi, untuk mencapai perbezaan ketara. Dengan sebab itu, KKM kata angka kematian tidak menunjukkan penurunan yang ketara, jadi ubat ini tidak berkesan dan tak boleh diluluskan.

Angka kematian di dalam kedua-dua kumpulan tidak dinyatakan di dalam kenyataan akhbar Hisham (kenapa sembunyi???) tapi Steve berjaya kira balik dari angka statistik KKM. Power betul otak dia. Saya really tabik mereka.

Saya betul2 kagum sebab walaupun ivermectin diberikan kepada pesakit yang dikira tipis harapan--tahap lewat, berumur 50-100 tahun dengan satu atau lebih komorbiditi/penyakit kronik--masih boleh menyelamatkan 70% nyawa mereka. Berapa lagi yg boleh diselamatkan? Apa lagi yang muda? Yang tak ada penyakit kronik? Kanak-kanak?

29,000 ribu orang manusia sudah mati, atau 28,000 sejak bermulanya beksin. Ada tak mana2 beksin yg boleh mengurangkan kadar kematian sebanyak 70%? (Saya akan post graf kematian sekejap lagi. Tak ada lah pengurangan 70%.) Sejak bila Kementerian Kesihatan pentingkan kesihatan kita?

KKM telah gagal sepenuhnya. Setelah membazir berbilion ringgit duit rakyat, mereka hanya ada 28,000 kematian sebagai bukti "kejayaan", padahal sekurang-kurangnya 70% nyawa itu boleh diselamatkan dengan ivermectin. Ketua2 KKM yg tak guna ini semua sudah gagal, ayuh bangkit dan buang mereka!!!

= = =


Analysis: (See Nov 3 entry)

KKM press statement:

Clinical trial protocol:

(I did not make hyperlinks so that you can share this on socmed without getting banned.)

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