What Happens if You Take a Vaccine After Getting Covid?

Apakah yang berlaku kalau kamu mengambil vaksin selepas kena Covid?

These are patients who died of Covid after taking vaccines while they were sick.

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Berikut adalah pesakit yang meninggal akibat Covid setelah mengambil vaksin semasa sakit.

2 doses

Below are the people who took a vaccine, got infected, then went back and took another dose because Hisham said that vaccines will strengthen their antibodies after an infection.

The column "Vaxed days after sick" shows the number of days from when these patients got sick and then took a vaccine. Those in the light blue box took Dose 1, got infected, then took Dose 2. They took their second dose 0 to 20 days after they got infected (average within 1 week). They survived an average of 12 days.

Actually, we don't know if those who took the jab on the same day they tested positive was after they had tested positive, or they took the jab, fell ill and then went to test on the same day. Since Covit takes 5-8 days to show up positive on tests, this means that they were already infected when they went to get the jab.

Those in the dark blue box were stronger. They got infected, then took Dose 1 and 2, then only died. They took their first dose between 3 weeks to 2 months after they first got sick and survived an average of 1 month after their last dose.

This shows that the sooner you take a vaccine after an infection, your risk of death  is almost double, and your survival time is only 1/3 of those who took it later. 
Overall, this group survived an average of 17 days after vaccination.

Ini adalah pesakit yang mengambil vaksin, dijangkiti, kemudian ambil vaksin lagi sebab Hisham kata vaksin akan menguatkan antibodi selepas jangkitan.

"Vaxed days after sick" menunjukkan pesakit divaksin berapa hari selepas mereka test positif. Pesakit di dalam kotak biru muda mengambil Dos 1, dijangkiti, kemudian mengambil Dos 2. Mereka mengambil dos kedua 0 hingga 20 hari setelah mereka jatuh sakit, purata dalam seminggu. Mereka hidup purata 12 hari selepas vaksin kedua.

Kita tak tahu samada mereka yang mengambil vaksin pada hari yang sama mereka disahkan positif adalah selepas mereka telah didapati positif, atau mereka cucuk, jatuh sakit dan kemudian pergi test pada hari yg sama. Memandangkan Covid mengambil masa 5-8 hari untuk menunjukkan hasil positif pada ujian, ini bermakna mereka telah pun dijangkiti apabila mereka pergi untuk mendapatkan suntikan.

Pesakit di dalam kotak biru tua lebih kuat. Setelah dijangkiti, mereka mengambil Dos 1 dan Dos 2, kemudian baru mati. Mereka mengambil dos pertama 3 minggu hingga 2 bulan selepas mereka jatuh sakit, dan bertahan purata 1 bulan selepas vaksin kedua.

Ini menunjukkan bahawa kalau kamu cepat mengambil vaksin selepas jangkitan, risiko kematian kamu adalah hampir 2x ganda mereka yg tunggu lebih lama, dan jangka hidup kamu hanya 1/3 daripada mereka yg tunggu lebih lama.

1 dose

The number of patients who died after taking 1 dose while sick is double those who took 2 doses. This is probably because the weak died first and did not live to take another.

Half the deceased took a vaccine within one week of getting sick. 
(I did not include the last 3 rows because I think the dates might be wrong.) They survived an average of 2 weeks after the jab. 

The other half took a vaccine between 8 days to 2.3 months after they were infected.
They survived an average of 16 days. So, the sooner you take a vaccine after you are infected,  the shorter is your survival time, although this difference is not significant. Overall, this group survived 15 days after vaccination. More or less the same as those who survived 2 jabs.

Bilangan pesakit yang meninggal selepas mengambil dos pertama adalah dua kali ganda mereka yang mengambil dua dos. Ini mungkin sebab orang yg lemah mati dulu dan tidak hidup untuk mengambil dos kedua.

Separuh daripada si mati mengambil vaksin di dalam tempoh 1 minggu selepas mereka dijangkiti. Mereka hidup purata 14 hari selepas divaksin.

Separuh lagi mengambil vaksin di dalam masa 8 hari ke 2.3 bulan. (Saya tak kira 3 barisan terakhir sebab tarikh ini mungkin salah.) M
ereka hidup purata 16 hari selepas cucuk. Makin cepat vaksin, makin cepat mati, walaupun perbezaan ini tidak ketara. Pesakit di dalam kumpulan ini hidup purata 15 hari selepas cucuk. Lebih kurang sama dengan mereka yg ambil 2 suntikan.

Many people think that vaccines are medicine and that they give you antibodies. Vaccines do not give you antibodies, your immune system gives you antibodies. Vaccines are viruses, so if you take a vaccine while you are sick, you are actually increasing your viral load. The more viruses in your body, the greater the burden on your body. Can your body withstand the increased viral load? The people above could not. 
Or, you didn't die from Covid, then you attack your body with the virus again while it is in a weakened state after a major infection. Can you withstand it? That depends on your immune system. Vaccines should only be taken when you are in supremely good health, otherwise you cannot make much antibodies and may even succumb to it.

But... It makes no sense to get vaccinated AFTER you get a disease because vaccines are supposed to be taken BEFORE you get sick. If you are sick, you already have the virus in your body, so why add more?

If you got sick and survived, you already have complete antibodies. There is no logic in getting something to help you get ready SOME antibodies because you already have ALL the antibodies! If you didn't, you would have died. Vaccines are not medicine. They are meant to be used as a prevention, not as a cure. Above are people who did not understand science and lost their lives after using vaccines as medicine.

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Ramai orang sangka vaksin adalah ubat yang memberi kita antibodi. Vaksin tidak memberi kamu antibodi, sistem imun kamu memberi kamu antibodi. Vaksin adalah virus. Kalau kamu mengambil vaksin semasa sakit, apa yang kamu buat ialah untuk menambah lagi bilangan virus di dalam badan. Makin banyak virus di dalam badan, makin berat beban untuk badan kamu. Bolehkah kamu tahan beban virus yang tinggi? Orang di atas tak boleh tahan. Atau, kamu dijangkiti tapi tak mati, pastu kamu serang badan kamu dengan virus lagi semasa ia di dalam keadaan lemah selepas jangkitan. Bolehkah kamu tahan? Itu bergantung kepada sistem imun kamu. Vaksin patut diambil hanya apabila kesihatan kamu sangat baik, kalau tidak, kamu tak boleh menghasilkan cukup antibodi dan boleh tewas kepada virus di dalam jarum.

Tak ada logik untuk mengambil vaksin SELEPAS kamu dijangkiti sebab vaksin sepatutnya diambil SEBELUM kamu sakit. Kalau kamu dijangkiti dan sembuh, kamu sudah ada antibodi yang lengkap. Jadi tak logik untuk kamu mengambil vaksin untuk menolong badan kamu menghasilkan SATU jenis antibodi sebab kamu sudah ada SEMUA jenis antibodi. Kalau kamu tak ada antibodi, kamu sudah mati lah! Vaksin bukan ubat. Vaksin digunakan sebagai pencegahan, bukan penawar. Di dalam carta di atas ialah orang yang tak faham sains dan hilang nyawa sebab menggunakan vaksin sebagai ubat.


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