Rates of death and serious AEFI in Kajang Prison
Kadar Kematian dan AEFI Serius di Kalangan Banduan Penjara Kajang
This is the first time we have solid AEFI numbers from a small population. Bravo to the director of the Kajang Prison, Tuan Mohd. Andri, and their doctor, Dr. Mohd. Syazwan, for having the integrity to report AEFI cases to the Ministry of Health. (AEFI = Adverse Events Following Immunisation.)
We are very fortunate to have this report because this is like a clinical trial in which the participants were observed and monitored closely by a doctor. These are reliable numbers because they were observed and reported by the prison doctor, not self-reported like the general population, who don't know where or how to report, or that they even need to report it. As such, I daresay the numbers are not under-reported as no other serious side effects escaped the attention of the doctor and went unreported, or immediately denied like Dr. Death does.
Ini adalah kali pertama kita ada angka AEFI yang kukuh dari satu populasi kecil. Syabas kepada pengarah Penjara Kajang, Tuan Mohd. Andri, dan doktor mereka, Dr. Mohd. Syazwan, kerana mempunyai integriti untuk melaporkan kes AEFI kepada KKM. (AEFI = Kesan Buruk Selepas Imunisasi.)
Kita sangat bernasib baik untuk mendapat laporan ini kerana ini adalah serupa kajian klinikal di mana peserta diperhatikan dan dipantau dengan teliti oleh doktor. Ini adalah angka yang boleh dipercayai kerana kejadian disaksikan dan dilaporkan oleh doktor mereka sendiri, bukan seperti orang awam yg diharapkan membuat laporan sendiri, yang tak tahu di mana nak lapor ataupun macam mana nak lapor. Oleh itu, kita boleh percaya bahawa angka ini tepat dan tidak ada kejadian AEFI serius lain yg terlepas daripada pandangan doktor atau terus dinafikan seperti Dr. Hitler.
The population of prisoners in Kajang Prison are:
Total people vaccinated: 4,085.
In this population, 2 people died (both from the Pfizer group) and 16 people had serious side effects (14 Pfizer and 2 Cansino).
Di kalangan populasi ini, 2 orang mati (kedua-dua dari kumpulan Pfizer) dan 16 orang kena kesan sampingan serius (14 Pfizer dan 2 Cansino).
在这监狱数据中,2人死亡(均来自辉瑞) ; 16人有严重的副作用(14名辉瑞和2名康希诺).
Serious AEFIs that the prisoners suffered: 2 people died within one month after vaccination. 1 got myocarditis and 2 had heart attacks. (That is certainly a much worse long-term punishment than living in a prison and will lead to death in a few years. Will these be counted as AEFI deaths?) 1 had a mild stroke, 1 had Bell's Palsy and 2 lost the use of their arms that were injected, due to nerve damage. 3 had distant abscesses (abscesses that erupted far away from the injection site), of which 2 needed surgery and 1 needed antibiotics. These 3 people had no history of health problems prior to vaccination. 3 people had viral or bacterial lung infections that made their asthma much worse, 1 got pneumonia and 1 got Covid.
So here's the irony - nobody died of Covid but 2 people died of the vaccine (and that's not yet counting those who will die later) and 16 were seriously injured.
Jadi, tak ada siapa yg mati akibat Covid tapi 2 orang mati akibat vaksin (itu belum kira yg akan mati pada masa akan datang), dan 16 kena kecederaan serius.
讽刺的是,不但没有人死于新冠病毒,可是却有 2人死于疫苗(这还不包括稍后将死亡的人)和 16 人个受到严重伤害。
The number of people in this population is rather small, but if the MOH can draw a conclusion from the ivermectin trial with only 500 people, then 4,100 in this population is a lot in comparison. Here are the rates of death and severe AEFI:
In the Pfizer group, the rate of death is 0.007% or 72 deaths per 100,000. There are no deaths in the Cansino and Sinovac group. For Sinovac, that is because the group is too small (only 43 people).
The rate of severe AEFI among Pfizer recipients is 0.5% or 503 per 100,000, while Cansino is 0.16% or 159 per 100,000. Pfizer's rate of injury is 3.2 times that of Cansino's. There were no cases of vaccine injury observed among Sinovac recipients due to the small number of participants.
Bilangan orang di dalam populasi ini agak kecil, tapi kalau KKM boleh membuat kesimpulan daripada kajian ivermectin dengan hanya 500 orang, maka 4,100 orang di dalam populasi ini boleh dikira banyak. Berikut adalah kadar kematian dan AEFI teruk:
Di kalangan penerima Pfizer, kadar kematian ialah 0.007% atau 72 kematian di dalam setiap 100,000 orang. Tiada kematian dalam kumpulan Cansino dan Sinovac. Untuk Sinovac, ini disebabkan kumpulan itu terlalu kecil (hanya 43 orang).
Kadar AEFI teruk untuk vaksin Pfizer ialah 0.5% atau 503 per 100,000 orang, berbanding Cansino pada 0.16% atau 159 per 100,000 orang. Kadar kecederaan vaksin Pfizer adalah 3.2 kali ganda kadar kecederaan vaksin Cansino. Tiada kes kecederaan di kalangan penerima Sinovac sebab kumpulan ini terlalu kecil.
What does this data mean for the rest of us? We can use the above numbers and extrapolate it to the general population. It is not very accurate to do so as the population of prisoners is very small. Also, the prison population is mostly adult men. There are no children, and not many seniors or women. The prison data is not representative of the general population. There is also no data for Sinovac, which is the second-most widely used vaccine. The demographic of Sinovac recipients in the general population is also different--they are mostly seniors, whereas for Pfizer and Cansino, the recipients are mostly adults. So the prison numbers are somewhat accurate if extrapolated to adult men who took those brands, but we don't know about others. The real rate should be higher because we would expect seniors to suffer more side effects for all brands. Women are also very under-represented, and we know from other countries' data that women report more side effects than men. So, the most we can get from this is a very rough number that is lower than the actual rate in the general population.
In the chart below, the numbers in blue (rates of death and severe AEFI) are from the prison population. The extrapolated number of deaths is surprisingly not far off from my calculation of excess deaths compared to last year (to be published soon). The real number of deaths remains to be seen many years from now, as people who suffer serious AEFI will continue to die further down the road. Remember that the prison report only recorded deaths within one month. From overseas data, we know that the majority of people who die from vaccines die within one month, but some others survive longer. And below is a high number of serious AEFIs for just these two vacs. We don't know about the other brands. A percentage of these people will die from their AEFI, especially those with heart damage. And then there are those whose AEFI have simply not surfaced yet. Not everybody develops symptoms within one month. Cancer takes longer.
Source: MOH Github |
这些数据对我们一般人有着什么意义? 其实我们可以使用这些数据投射在整个人口上,将其作为推断目前或将会发生的事情。虽然这样做不是很准确,因为囚犯人数数据存在一些弱点,如监狱人口大多是成年男子。没有孩子,老年人不多,妇女也不多,此外,监狱里也没有 Sinovac 数据,反观在现实中 Sinovac 是我国第二广泛使用的疫苗。现实生活里接种 Sinovac 的人口结构也跟监狱里的不同 - 他们大多是老年人,而对于辉瑞 和康希诺,接受者大多是成年人。然而,女性在这里的代表性非常不足,我们从其他国家的数据中知道,女性报告的副作用比男性多。因此,整体中看来,监狱数据也不会非常不准确因此,我们还是能从中得到的一个非常粗略的估计数据。
According to Khairy, the rate of self-reported severe AEFI is 40 per 100,000 people. In comparison, in the prison population, the rate of severe AEFI (combined death and serious AEFI for all brands) is 445 per 100,000. Looks like serious AEFI in the general population is under-reported by 11 times. It's actually a lot more than that because the prison population does not have any data for Sinovac, and Sinovac is given to mostly the elderly, so the rate of AEFI in that group would certainly be higher than the rate for adults (prisoners). And we have no idea at all what the AEFI and death rate is for children and foetuses (pregnant women).
Source: The Star, 1 Sep 2021 |
Menurut Khairy, kadar AEFI teruk yang dilaporkan sendiri adalah 40 orang per setiap 100,000 orang penerima vaksin. Sebagai perbandingan, di kalangan populasi penjara, kadar AEFI teruk (saya campur sekali kematian dan AEFI serius untuk semua jenama) ialah 445 per 100,000 orang. Nampaknya AEFI serius di kalangan rakyat kurang dilaporkan sebanyak 11 kali. Kadar AEFI sebenarnya adalah lebih tinggi lagi sebab populasi penjara tidak mempunyai sebarang data untuk Sinovac, dan Sinovac diberikan kepada majoriti warga emas, jadi kadar AEFI di dalam kumpulan itu pasti lebih tinggi daripada orang muda (banduan). Tambahan, kita langsung tak tau apa kadar AEFI untuk kanak-kanak dan janin (perempuan hamil).
根据那位狡诈的家伙,受害者自己主动上报的严重AEFI的比率是每10万人中有 40人。相比之下,在监狱人口数据中,严重AEFI(所有品牌的合并死亡和严重AEFI)的比率为每10万人就有445人。这样看起来,一般副作用受害者的严重的AEFI被低估了11倍。实际上,这还远不止于此,因为监狱人口没有任何 Sinovac的数据,而 Sinovac在现实人口中主要提供给老年人,因此这些老人的 AEFI 的比率肯定高于成年人(囚犯)的比率。 我们根本不知道儿童和胎儿(孕妇)的 AEFI和死亡率到底是多少。
Up till about the time the prison report was written, 519 deaths after vaccination among the general population had been reported to the Ministry of Health. If we compare this to the number of deaths extrapolated from the prison data (9,770), the actual number of deaths is under-reported by 18 times.
Source: Berita Harian, 1 Nov 2021 |
Sehingga masa laporan penjara itu diterbitkan, 519 kematian selepas vaksinasi di kalangan rakyat telah dilaporkan kepada KKM. Jika kita bandingkan angka ini dengan jumlah kematian yang diekstrapolasi daripada data penjara (9,770), jumlah sebenar kematian kurang dilaporkan sebanyak 18 kali ganda.
在这份报告编写之前,其实卫生部已经接到 519 例接种疫苗后死亡投报,如果我们将其与监狱数据推断的死亡人数 9,700 人进行比较的话,实际死亡人数被低估了18倍。
Why are AEFIs under-reported? 1) Because people don't know that they are supposed to report AEFIs. 2) MySejahtera is rigged to allow choice of only mild AEFIs and only for a very short period of time (I think 3 days?). 3) To report symptoms that are not listed or happened after the time had ended to report it on MySejahtera, you would have to file a report yourself with the NPRA (National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency), which is not only more difficult to do, it is quite impossible for a layperson to do because the form is full of medical jargon. Did they do this deliberately to discourage people from reporting? 4) Doctors are too lazy to report, so they dismiss your symptoms as being unrelated to vaccination. After all, they learned it from their boss. 5) No report, no need to admit liability, no need to pay compensation.
If you or someone you know got a side effect after vaccination, you need to report it. See How to Report an AEFI and share it with those who need it. The chart below shows that serious AEFI among the population is under-reported by 200 times compared to the prison population. If everybody reported, the rate of injury and deaths would be even higher than the prison population. Questions would be asked why this product is still allowed if it is so unsafe.
Right now, you keep hearing Khairy, Hisham and all the MPs saying that vaccines are safe. Today might be the only day you hear me say that Hisham is not lying. The number of AEFIs reported is very low. There is only an average of 2.6 people injured out of 100,000. Side effects are normal for all pharmaceutical products. A low number is acceptable because the benefit is more than the harm, so it's worth the risk. But why is the official number of AEFI so low compared to what you are seeing around you? Because you didn't report it!!! Therefore, the ministry and politicians are not lying and there is no reason to ban a product that is causing so little harm because the benefit is more than the harm. Serious AEFI is very rare--this is true. Because you didn't report it, therefore it didn't happen. Complaining on Facebook is not reporting. Look at the difference in AEFI rates between the prisoners whose hardworking doctor reported it, vs. lazy Malaysians who can't be bothered. At the end of the day, your laziness has come back to bite you in the ass because "vaccines have been proven to be very safe"--your own data proves it.
Laporan AEFI yang diterima dari rakyat Source: Vaccinated population, Serious AEFI reports |
Kadar AEFI yang dilaporkan oleh banduan berbanding rakyat |
Kalau kamu atau ahli keluarga kamu kena kesan sampingan selepas vaksin, kamu perlu melaporkannya. Lihat Bagaimana Melaporkan AEFI dan kongsikannya dengan orang yang perlu. Kalau semua orang laporkan, kadar AEFI dan kematian pasti lebih tinggi daripada yg populasi penjara. Carta di atas menunjukkan AEFI serius di kalangan rakyat dilaporkan sebanyak 200 kali ganda kurang daripada populasi penjara.
Kalau kadar AEFI tinggi, KKM akan disoal kenapa produk ini masih dibenarkan jika ia tidak selamat. Sekarang, kamu selalu dengar Khairy, Hisham dan semua Ahli Parlimen kata vaksin selamat. Kenapa? Hari ini mungkin sesekalinya kamu dengar saya kata Hisham tak tipu. Bilangan AEFI yang dilaporkan adalah sangat rendah. Hanya purata 2.6 orang mengalami kesan buruk daripada 100,000 orang yg dicucuk. Kesan sampingan adalah normal untuk semua produk farmaseutikal. Angka yang rendah boleh diterima sebab kebaikan ubat itu masih lebih daripada keburukannya. Tetapi kenapa angka rasmi AEFI macam rendah sangat berbanding apa yang kamu lihat di sekeliling kamu? Sebab kamu tak report!!! KKM dan politikus tak ada alasan untuk mengharamkan produk yang mendatangkan sedikit mudarat saja, sebab manfaatnya lebih banyak daripada kemudaratannya. AEFI serius sangat jarang berlaku--ini benar. Sebab kamu tak report, maka ia tidak berlaku. Cakap di media sosial bukan laporan, ya. Lihatlah sendiri perbezaan kadar AEFI di antara populasi banduan yang doktornya rajin laporkan, berbanding rakyat Malaysia yang malas nak lapor. Akhirnya, kemalasan kamu memakan diri sebab vaksin ini "telah terbukti sangat selamat"--data kamu sendiri yang membuktikannya.
What is the use of knowing all these numbers? This is for you to calculate your own risk vs. benefit. For example, the district where I live has 600,000 residents. Currently, about 30 people get infected every day. So 600,000 / 30 = 20,000. That means 1 in 20,000 people get infected every day. This is my risk of catching Covid. The average risk of dying from Covid is as below. I will just use the average of 1% death so it is easier to count. So my risk of catching Covid and then dying is 1 in 2,000,000.
These numbers must be adjusted according to your age, co-morbidities and how much time you spend in crowded places. Weigh your own risk and benefit.
Apakah guna tahu semua angka ini? Ini adalah untuk kamu mengira risiko berbanding manfaat untuk diri sendiri. Misalnya, daerah di mana saya tinggal mempunyai 600,000 penduduk. Sekarang, kira-kira 30 orang dijangkiti setiap hari. Jadi 600,000 / 30 = 20,000. Ini bermaksud 1 di dalam 20,000 orang dijangkiti setiap hari. Ini adalah risiko saya untuk dijangkiti Covid. Risiko kematian akibat Covid adalah seperti carta di atas. Saya akan menggunakan purata 1% risiko kematian supaya lebih senang kira. Jadi, risiko saya untuk dijangkiti Covid dan kemudian mati ialah 1 dalam 2,000,000.
因此,我感染新冠病毒然后死亡的风险是 2,000,000分之一。
Source |
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