Death Rates (2020-2022)

Covid death data, Malaysia, 2020-2022

From the beginning until July 2021, deaths with Covid were counted as Covid cases. This means people who died from accidents or suicides had their noses swabbed after death, and those who were positive were counted as died because of Covid even though Covid didn't kill them. So numbers were inflated, but we don't know by how much.

After vaccination started and deaths really caused by Covid increased from 120 to 7,000, they decided that inflating numbers is not gonna make them look good, so they stopped including people who didn't die of Covid. So we can't really compare before and after July 2021.

The death rate for the past two months will continue to rise for some time.

The same chart in a different format. The death rate for the unvaccinated has returned to pre-vaccination levels. The large increase in the middle of 2021 is also partly due to under-testing. (If the number of cases are larger, the number of deaths would be divided by a larger number, which would make the percentage smaller.)

Why is the death rate so high for the partially vaccinated? Because the Pfizer vaccine weakens the immune system to below normal levesl in the first 3 days after vaccination, and Sinovac 1 month. If people get infected at this time, it is worse than not being vaccinated at all. The two peaks for the partially vaccinated coincides with mass vaccination. They got infected at the PPV on the day they were jabbed.

The MOH reduced the testing of asymptomatic cases in July 2021. In Oct 2020 (the first point in this chart, only 15% of all cases were symptomatic. In Oct 2021, symptomatic made up 75% of all cases. This difference in testing would result in an uneven comparison. If we count only symptomatic cases (to make it comparable), the percent of patients who died is as above. People who were only diagnosed positive after death (BIDs) were excluded because they were asymptomatic. We are comparing only symptomatic deaths with symptomatic patients.

Averaging out all the deaths, vaccines reduced the death rate by 30%.

Case Fatality Rate is calculated as Deaths / Patients (not the entire country's population). We only count infected people because you cannot die of Covid if you are not infected with Covid.

The death rate for children and teens is extremely low.

There are two types of Brought-In-Dead (BID) deaths. The first group tested positive but were not admitted to the hospital and died at home. The second group did not know they had Covid but only tested positive after they died. These are probably deaths with Covid. (Death with Covid means people who died in accidents and suicides but tested positive after death. Covid was not the cause of their deaths.) 

Prior to July 2021, deaths with Covid were counted as Covid deaths as well. After July 2021, only deaths due to Covid were counted. This makes for an uneven comparison of death rates before and after July 2021.

During the peak infection period of July - Nov 2021, there was a corresponding increase and decrease in BID rates. This could be due to hospitals being overwhelmed, so patients could not get admitted and died at home without getting tested. But after cases went down, in January 2022, the percent of BID went up again (despite total cases going down), to a record high of 1/3 in Feb 2022. Could these be vaccine deaths?

The % of unvaccinated people diagnosed after death remains about the same before and after vaccination started, but boosted people had the highest rate of testing positive after death. Did they die suddenly before they could be tested and treated?

Days from testing positive until death.


ICU beds (red line) filled up with the Raya cluster, but when the PPV cluster occurred, ICU bed usage only increased a little. This could be due to limited beds or because vaccines reduced the severity of disease. (The Raya cluster is mostly unvaccinated.) Ventilator usage (orange line) is about 50% of the read line prior to vaccination. At the peak infection, ventilator usage did not increase as much due to limited equipment. As ICU bed usage came down, ventilator usage was once again 50% of the red line, no difference from before vaccination.

ICU non-Covid bed usage (dark blue line) remained steady throughout 2020 until May 2021, after which it climbed up steadily. Could this be people suffering from AEFI? Non-Covid ventilator usage increased too. There was a sharp increase in mid-July 2021, from single digits to 300+ overnight. This could be due to new equipment purchases, but why is there a sudden surge of lung damage that did not occur in the 1.5 years before this? Or was there an increase but due to lack of equipment, these people were not put on ventilators and probably died? (We will see this in excess deaths when the data is available.) If so, when did the increase begin and why? What other disease is going around that damages lungs 
severely but is not Covid?
